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Organized to take part in military training.       In 2000, to promote education aimed at enhancing the overall quality of the educated, the Ministry of Education urged the use of a new curriculum system throughout the country. The new system represents a shift, from education based on the learning of subjects to education aimed at promoting the overall development of the student. Attention is paid to cultivating students' thinking ability and their ability to solve practical problems. At the primary school stage, mainly comprehensive courses are offered; and at the junior middle school stage, comprehensive science and liberal arts courses are offered. Junior middle school students can also choose separate courses or a combination of separate and comprehensive courses. At the senior middle school stage, mainly separate courses are offered, with a great variety of optional courses available for selection. From primary to senior middle school, comprehensive practicing activities are regarded as a required course. Such activities cover studies of a research nature, community services, the learning of labor skills and other social practices.

         Rural middle schools (at the junior stage), on the premise that requirements of nine-year compulsory education are met, can offer courses on agricultural techniques, provide "green certificate" education (receivers of such education who pass examinations are issued such a certificate to indicate that the holder is qualified to offer technical services in rural areas), and offer other technical training, if the total amount of teaching does not exceed what is prescribed. If a student has received nine-year compulsory education and acquired a "green certificate," he or she can either go on to a school of a higher grade or go back to the countryside to do farm work. Teaching materials used in "greet certificate" education in junior middle schools are based After-school life.on textbooks compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture for "green certificate" training courses offered to farmers.

       The general objective of the course reform for the fundamental education of China from 2000 to 2010 is:
       1. Reform the excessively knowledge-oriented course design, emphasize on the development of the students spiritually and materially in the course design,